Photo Archive

Sunday 3 June 2007

Blood donation Campaign

Due to a shortage of blood donation, million of people die each year. use the web to create blood communities making it easier to find possible donator.

This website, working similarly as face book, create a blood community on internet. To make a website that patients can search for someone to help them in their own area or even cross the world, would give more chances for people to live longer and making their lives better.

One minute TV commercial communicating to audience the reason why we are asking them to donate blood.“Blood can not be made”

The pop up window on the internet is to bring to attention that instead of checking your mail you could have saved a life or three. And that it does not take up that much of your time.

Thursday 3 May 2007

TESCO CSR : Combatting Carbon Emission

Increase in imported foreign produce has increased CO2 emissions. To help reduce the effects of Global Warming Tesco will be focusing promoting British produce.This will not only support our local farmers and country’s harvesting, but will also help decrease the carbon emissions from decreased food milege.

Advertising Idea for Sure for Women

Wednesday 2 May 2007

Ravels Advertising 2 : What's your flavour?

Between Nothing and All

For this project, me and my friend looked at the emotions women might go through after surgery for breast cancer. How women feel being less of a woman?